As friends of the Rescue will be aware, we have been required annually to re-apply for planning permission to remain on our current site. This is largely due to our proximity to (and access through) a residential area.
Recently, in preparation for the current application, we contacted the local residents and asked them to let us know of any concerns they had so that we could address them. Most of the people we spoke to were very positive. The only concern we encountered was with the way in which waste was removed from the site and as a result we implemented a new system which eliminated all of the problems highlighted.
So having met the conditions of last years planning approval (limiting the vehicles on site in number and to volunteers only, visitors only on Saturday and only appointment etc) and addressing the only concerns expressed to us by the local residents, we were understandably surprised to hear that the Parish Council decided to recommend that the application this year be denied.
We have just a few days before the District Council make their final decision on our application, a decision that could mean the end of the Rescue. So please, if you support the work that we do, show your support by signing our online petition below. We have until 3rd March to convince them to let us continue to run the Rescue from our current site.
The petition:
Ridiculous, the planning department, these people who are so happy to approve housing development on green belts. I hope you win, I have signed the petition.