On Tuesday the Rescue was featured on the Channel 4 television programme The 5 O'Clock Show. Caroline and Annabel took Nestle, Perdy and Hoppy down to the studio, they all got to meet Peter Andre and the bunnies were cuddled on TV by Peter and his celebrity guests. It was only a brief piece, but it was good publicity for the Rescue and has led to an increase in queries and appointments. Our hope of course is that this will translate into more bunnies rehomed and maybe even some more donations.
Not surprisingly, all of today's visitors were keen to meet the famous bunnies and so Nestle, Perdy and Hoppy had even more attention than usual. But did their brush with celebrity and increased popularity go to their heads? Of course not - they are the same down-to-earth bunnies they always have been...

Thats SO great! Love the sunglasses.