Monday, 26 August 2013

Down Nosin'

"Looking down my nose at you? Of course not! I hadn't found you interesting enough to look at at all!"


  1. That little chin needs tickling........!

  2. BH-V, I don't care what H says, that is definitely a down nosin'. We keep schematics handy, and I'm telling you in America that bunny would definitely be down nosin' you. It seems a bit odd, but it appears that bunnies can communicate without admitting to all the facts. Hmmm...Anyway, Gray Feather, a little cockatiel on the lamm we have tried to befriend has just discovered an antique blue corn chip from somewhere off the floor. He has dragged his prey to the middle of the bed I was hoping to crawl back into. This chip now consists of a widely scattered array of crumbs. What does that mean? Do bunnies desecrate beds with such callous indifference?

    1. yes Jane they do and if you are slow witted they give a few poops and pees too!xx Rachel

    2. Rachel, I can only assume this is something my little Nephew TOLD you about, something OTHER bunnies do. B-H V, sorry about getting your name wrong above, absolutely not a down nosin'.

  3. Nice to meet you cutie. :)

  4. Yeah? - coulda fooled me. And I have seen quite a few.
