Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Xmas 2013

Well I *tried* to get a classic festive family shot for you but somebun wouldn't play ball. So, Merry Xmas! From me...

...and Whisky's butt!

Oh well, guess it's a job for Photoshop then…

"Merry Xmas readers! Now go give the bunnies in your families their presents or us bunnies will start unwrapping yours!"

Merry Xmas everyone and everybun, from me, Caroline, all the trustees and volunteers, from Whisky, Neroli, Archimedes, Boadicea, Welly, Pico, Montana, BC, JJ, Boz, Silvio, Noelle, Houdini, Mars, Bandit, Pipkin, Betty-Boo, Wilbur, Delta, Scamper, Ferguson, Mira, Starburst, Hoppy and all the other bunnies in our care. Thank you for following along with our tales of big-eared fluffsters and special thanks to everyone who has supported the Rescue this year, whether through donations, volunteering or just spreading the good word. May peace and love find you this holiday season!


  1. Happy xmas BHVand Caroline and of course all the buns mentioned above and all in rescue!

  2. Merry Christmas ,Speedy has lots of pressy as normal more than everyone else :)

  3. Thank you so much, and Merry Christmas to all at Rx3, and to all who visit this site. I would certainly like to second B-H V's wish for peace and love. May they fill this world now and always.

  4. Merry Christmas to Whiskey, the buns, and the humans, and thank you for your wonderful blog and daily stories and photos!

  5. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year too!

  6. Hope your Christmas was wonderful! I have also failed miserably at every attempt to get a "family pic" of my boyfriend, our two buns, and myself... So, I understand you pain :) Whisky's but is festive enough.
