Thursday 7 December 2017

Bugsy Malone

Bugsy Malone passed away overnight. Although we're not meant to have favourites Bugsy has always been mine, we tried to bond him with both Claudia & Kylie without success as he always preferred people to bunnies.
He loved getting head strokes and would happily sit for hours being cuddled too, he would follow us round, getting under my feet begging for fenugreek crunchies.
Over the last few days he'd lost a lot of weight and he was meant to be seeing the vet today after which he was coming to live with me.

He was the best of the best rabbits and I can't believe I'll never see him again.


  1. So sad. Binky to your heart's content little one. X

  2. So sorry - what a heartbreaker. This pain is the reason I have not got anymore bunnies. I can see why he was one of your favourites. You are in our thoughts :(
