Friday 28 February 2014

Friday F...

I am starting to question if I am doing this theme-trial week the right way. Rather than presenting you with one theme each day, should I have given you options to vote on? Like today, I could have given you options like 'The Friday Feets', or 'The Friday Fail, or 'The Friday Floof', each with it's own pic, and see which theme you like the most? Hmmm...

Well anyway, despite these thoughts, today I decided to have The Friday Floof anyway. BC's wifebun Montana is poorly - she is losing weight and has a lump in her jaw - so she needs your healing vibes. Everybunny please cross your paws and wish her good health. She is seeing the vet, I will let you know how it goes.


  1. Speedy snuggles on there way be well little one,xx Rachel

  2. keeping everything crossed for you, you beautiful little floofster x

  3. Come on, Montana, Brown Cloud needs you, and so do we.

  4. Montana please be ok. We will say some prayers for you :) Love Jennifer and Lance
