Wednesday 12 November 2014

Time and Relative Dimwits in Space

I am a behind sorting out my weekly batches of photo's so things are getting a bit random here on the blog as I jump back and forth between current pics and ones from September/October. Sure, most readers probably haven't noticed me moving around in time with my posts, but I bet a few of the volunteers have been thinking "Hang on, xxxx hasn't been in that aviary for weeks!". Well, what with the consistently rainy weather, I don't reckon anyone is going to think the older of these pics coming up are recent so I thought I'd better 'fess up and avoid confusion.

So on we go. The names are the same, but the times have been changed to protect the innocent.

"I'm confused - did I eat this grass weeks ago or am I eating it now? Forget it, as long as I get to nom it all, I don't care when it is/was!"

That's the spirit Burrito, embrace the theory of trans-temporal nommage!


  1. Sometimes after I've chosen a title for these things I edit the text and without noticing remove the line that made the title make sense. Which in itself confirms your suspicion that the dimwit is me.

  2. Never! I had just heard about the comet landing, and thought the bunnies we're going to pronounce on unintended consequences of very large butterflies far, far away and people who should be spending their time growing organic carrots.

  3. You know what the cowboys say: "If it's a horse, ride it. If it's a job, do it. ... " The bunn says: "If it's grass, eat it!"
