Thursday 16 April 2015

Over Fed, Underhand

"Thanks for breakfast. You can leave now."


  1. that's a mighty Breakfast,xx Rachel

    1. If we can keep Mr and Mrs Tubbyfatbottom there out of it, that's one days breakfast for the whole Rescue. Not that they care! There's nothing more frustrating than knowing you've portioned out the veg just right and 3 bunnies before the end looking up to see Boadicea hoofing it off with the last carrot!

    2. You realize you first called her TFB (very reprehensible) and then you begrudge her a little exercise?

  2. But, Rachel, there is no fire extinguisher. What if the carrots catch fire?

    1. It's a shame I can't post images in these replies, there genuinely is a fire extinguisher just out of shot to the right! :-)

    2. Oh, that is too funny. Uh, you can use it? You won't have to run home and disturb Whiskey? "Wake me up if the carrots catch fire" is the new "so what" around the globe. We are all so grateful to Whiskey. Dare we hope for a T- shirt with the great bunny's picture and expression of compassionate concern on it?

    3. I am fully trained in fire extinguisher usage. Unless such things lapse - it was around 1999! Has fire extinguisher science moved on since then?

      I'll ask Whisky about the T-shirt thing, but he's already on the back of our old RRR T-shirt which uses that image of him and Megan that's in the header on this blog - I wouldn't want him to become TOO big headed, or he won't fit in the nebuliser.

    4. I'm not sure Whisky would see a downside to that.. :)

    5. True! Maybe I'd best not mention it...

  3. He does look quite ready to wheel that barrow right back to his burrow. :)

    1. Question: which do you think has more chance of being squeezed into a hole in the ground, the wheelbarrow or those fat butts?!

    2. Ooooh.. Good question.

      They'll obvious just have to order one of their servants to dig a bigger hole for them before they start. :)
