Saturday, 30 April 2016

The Right Ingredients

"Did I ever tell you how I got my name? Pass me my fruit treat and that bottle over there and I'll show you."

Friday, 29 April 2016

Wild Demands

"You realise we can see that wheelbarrow from here, right? Come on, cough up the rest of it."

Thursday, 28 April 2016

National Elf Service

Elf, who is on several drugs for his digestive troubles, recently decided that he likes his medicines so much he'd like to learn how to to self-administer.

If only they were all so easy...

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Life Goes On

Upon losing a partner, some rabbits become more anxious, some become angry at the world, some expect you to work miracles and some... well...

Tuesday, 26 April 2016


Occasionally at the Rescue we get a glimpse of the rare and mythical creature jokingly known as "Normal Honour". If you are lucky (and quick on the camera button!), you might even get real photographic evidence of its existence!

You'd never know...

Monday, 25 April 2016

Home Turf

After several attempts at growing grass in my own enclosure at home resulted in every last shoot mercilessly being turned into barren earth I got hold of a couple of proper turf rolls and carpeted their mesh-lined run. As you can see, Mrs Motormouth got to work and didn't stop for quite some time.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Anouska, Bobbit, Carrots...

A bonus post for you today with a quick update on my foster pair Anouska and Bobbit.

A trip to the emergency vet Wednesday night and motility meds failed to get Anouska eating again so on Thursday the two of them went for a stay at our regular vets. A conscious x-ray revealed no serious problems, fluids, pain relief and more motility meds followed until Friday morning when things started moving again. They came home Friday evening, both a bit grumpy from the experience but eating. By Saturday Anouska seemed to have taken a few more steps towards recovery but by then Bobbit was acting oddly and not eating much. At the end of another stressful day, Bobbit wouldn't eat his pellets but just managed to avoid a trip back to the vets when he started to pick at some carrot and parsley.

Well, it was a proper relief this morning when both came racing to the breakfast bowl and tucked in. And although he wants nothing to do with me today, I am very happy that Bobbit seems back to his old self and Anouska is further improved.

"You know, you staring at me isn't going to help my appetite any..."

"MY hidey box. No vets, medicines or poky fingers aloud inside."

Capturing The Moment

Cuba and Mallow are not known for sitting still in the grass enclosure, especially at going home time, but with Cuba having terminal cancer and unlikely to be with us much longer I decided to take the opportunity to sneak up when they were having a little moment. I don't think they were impressed.

Saturday, 23 April 2016


"So, if I'm named after you, does that mean I can claim your paycheck?"

Thursday, 21 April 2016


Todays original post was going to be about the news from last week, which most of you will know from our social media pages, regarding Caroline stepping down from her position at the Rescue, with an update of where we are at.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to write it as I spent last night at the emergency vets and then this morning back at our regular vets with poor Anouska who is having stasis issues, cause unknown. So this is why there was no post this morning and in the meantime we also had the notes back from two of the bunnies we lost last week, so today instead I would like to remember our dear friend Snugs.

Based on my photos of him, I would guess Snugs came into the Rescue around January 2012. I think I am right in saying that his owner signed him over because of his aggression. At the Rescue you could see it in his behaviour and a hint of it always remained, but to be honest, around experienced volunteers it was never an issue. It did mean he wasn't a good candidate for rehoming though as we could see that in the wrong environment he could easily have reverted to his old ways.

To help keep him calm, as soon as he had settled in we introduced him to Skittle. She was another bunny with a strong personality so they were aways a lively pair. They enjoyed their time together, but sadly Skittle passed away later that year.

By the time my fostered Ghibli babies came back to the Rescue, it was clear that beautiful Arrietty had a particular knack for being great friends with humans and bunnies alike. Looking for the right partner for the now single but somewhat strong-minded Snugs, she quickly became a prime candidate. They hit it off and became great companions.

Snugs developed recurring jawbone abscesses, ear abscesses and other problems, but he was always a fighter - however bad he looked after each surgery, he never really lost that personality of his. This along with his daily interactions with the volunteers for his medicines and care made him one of the most prominent characters at the Rescue and of course much loved. Sadly though, after more surgeries than I can remember, the battle against osteomyelitis was no longer being won and on Friday 15th April 2016 we finally had to say goodbye.

You were a special boy and a real character. Binky free, Snugs.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

The Sneezification Assumption

"No I did NOT sneeze!! So stop making jokes and pass me your comb so I can get this piece of GRASS off me!"

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Old Soldier

The number of rabbits cared for by the Rescue who are frail and elderly, along with those with special needs or daily medication, seems to have been at an all time high this last year. Perhaps not surprising then that we also seem to have had so many of our residents leave us for the bridge in recent months.

Old Soldier was a big soppy lump who spent too many years of his life on his own in a 4ft hutch. This terrible fate would be bad enough for a regular bunny, for a rabbit of his immense size it must have been agonising. So when he came to the Rescue, we were determined to make sure he always had space and somebun to hang out with, while at the same time being loved and adored by all of us here. He didn't have the healthiest life, he wasn't ever the most mobile of rabbits and had problems with his eye, but he seemed to enjoy life at the Rescue and certainly loved his food!

Despite his problems, Old Soldier was starting to look like he was leading a charmed life - whatever ailment life threw at him, however much it looked like the end, he would grump through it and come out the other side mostly back to his regular self.

Sadly though, in March he lost the use of his back legs. It seemed he was in a pain we couldn't fix and eventually we had to let him go. On 5th April 2016 he was helped to the bridge.

Binky free Old Soldier. It was wonderful to know you. Your human friends all miss you nearly as much as Cindy does.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Love and Rex

If I were to have adopted another pair of rabbits after Whisky passed away, top of my list without question were our beautiful Rexes Meadow and Stilton. I love them to bits. Sure, they have the odd gunky eye problem, but they are right little characters and very photogenic - they would have been perfect sources for the sort of lazy/crazy Sunday posts Whisky always provided us with here on the blog.

Now as a volunteer, once you make that connection with rabbits at the Rescue, it can be all the more saddening to see them there every week without a family of their own. Well no more, for I am pleased to announce that on Saturday they went to a new home, where their new human parents seemed as excited about their arrival as could be.

Good luck in your new family guys! We look forward to hearing about all the mischief you get up to once you have settled in!

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Fiddler On The Roof

"Hey human! When you've finished fixing and tinkering, if you find a frisbee up there - that's mine!"

Saturday, 16 April 2016


BHV: Courtney, I swear, I did NOT take back your treats and eat them myself. You believe me right?

BHV: that a yes?

Friday, 15 April 2016

A Little Grief

After the recent passing of our oldest resident Tally at 10 years 8 months, his widow Skyla has been expressing her displeasure at finding herself single again.

"If you stick your face in here, I might nibble your nose just a little..."

Thursday, 14 April 2016


Our biggest resident, 5kg Jubilee, has been having a problem lately that requires the attention of someone confident and with clothes like armour, as she's not an easy girl to handle and is less than impressed with her new medicine.

"You want to put a cream on my where exactly? How about no."

Wednesday, 13 April 2016


"I'd like my vegetables grated please; I don't have any front teeth. If you can make it a huge mountain right here, that'd be great."

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

In Tray

Monday, 11 April 2016


"You don't give up, do you? Coming around here, trying to take photographs of my husbun... We should have you reported for harassment!"

Saturday, 9 April 2016

The Good Ship Maximus

I can't always tell when Maximus is being serious, but this time...

"Ahoy, matey! Let free the fluke and haul in the anchor! We're sailing this merry boat of hay to somewhere where the proper breakfast arrives on time!"

Nope. Think I'm gonna go with 'sarcasm'.

Friday, 8 April 2016

One Chance

The husbun of one of my favourite feisty girls, Honour, is the flighty Darius, a rabbit who loves to run around but also disappears at the drop of a hat and is usually a speck in the distance in any photograph I attempt to take of him.

Imagine my surprise then when one day last week, when it was nice and sunny, Darius was apparently dozing a little too happily to notice much when I sneaked up on him.

"She thinks I haven't noticed her... it's just that the Missus had a word. This is your one photo opportunity- the next time you try it you can have a shot of my fluffy bottom sticking out of a box and like it."

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Still Hoppin'

One of our rabbits under constant quality of life supervision is the amazing Hoppy. Now 9 years old this year, he's an elderly gentleman who has had to contend with a lot of mobility issues, which started with his severely broken (and badly fused) back leg and ended up with all legs having a life of their own. A recent outing into one of our grass areas showed that Hoppy, despite tripping over and onto his own feet, still was game for a good ramble around and claimed much of his surroundings as his own.

We shall remain ever vigilant and we hope that Hoppy stays hoppin' for a while yet.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


"Did you hear about that one-eared rabbit from several aviaries down? He was dating this old woman but then she moved out and last I heard she was shacking up with another man!"

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Wrath Of Honour

I'm not sure what I did wrong but when a bunny gives you this look, you might want to move. Possibly to another country.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Too Much Jin

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Feets, Feets, Feets

" I said to Rita, 'I'm not sharing a bed with you and those mucky feets!' and she said 'Oh, OK then'. And that's when she shut me outside."

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Out Of Snacks, Out Of Shot

"You know the deal, 'You no treats, me no pose'!"

Friday, 1 April 2016

April Offer

Check out this special offer at the RRR this month!
