Friday, 31 May 2013

Rescue Roundup May 2013

No, despite the title, this is not a post about catching escaped bunnies. Just thought I'd update you on what's been happening this month, especially for those of you that don't follow us on Facebook.

Re-homings are continuing well with usually 1-3 a week. After a period of mostly singles being re-homed (to join a family after bonding with their own rabbit), it has been exciting to see increased interest recently from some new bunny fanatics wanting their first pair or trio. Of course, as quickly as our bunnies move on to their new dream homes, more people are calling to say they want to give theirs up or telling us about bunnies in need. The waiting list is as depressingly long as it has ever been, unfortunately.

Baby bunnies were a big part of May, with several sets even being born at the Rescue in the last two months. This brought the sinking feeling of all the extra work, money, space and time to look after so many new arrivals in one go. Then followed the high pitched *squee* that comes from looking into those adorable fluffy little faces. Stress, *squee*, stress, *squee*. Repeat. But maybe you've heard enough from me this month about that!

A squee little floofster demonstrates the art of being demanding

Caroline has moved out of her parents home again, this time to live with close friends and super-volunteers Ellie and Mick. This of course means her new home is extremely rabbit-friendly, with lots of extra bunny space, so she has taken some of our special residents to live with her. It is an exciting development for Caroline and a big bonus for those poorly and elderly buns that now have luxury indoor accommodation and beautiful green play areas outside, but I will miss seeing all those sweet buns every week. This goes especially for Purdy, Hoppy and big soppy Angus - how will this blog survive without them??!! Oh well, I am happy for them.

The month has been an interesting transition for me. As some of you will know, earlier this year I decided I needed to quit my duties as Committee Member, Director and Trustee of the charity and that became official this month. The extra time it has freed up means I now get to do things like sleep and take lunch breaks, which is probably doing my health no end of good (no more weird chest pains and much less dizziness, though becoming caffeine-free also helped there). I am still involved as a regular volunteer and it does feel odd at times not being a key decision maker, but with energetic volunteers like Cat and Amy taking on more responsibilities and bringing their youthful enthusiasm to new projects, the Rescue is certainly in good hands!

Speaking of projects, there have been quite a few physical changes at the Rescue this month. Even more of the aviaries have now been paved for easier cleaning and disinfecting (and harder digging in/out!) and some of our older style accommodations have been necessarily replaced/updated with more spacious runs/aviaries. For sick and vulnerable bunnies it has always been difficult balancing their needs and making decisions on where to house them - the Rescue hospital is cosy and indoors, but the space is necessarily small and not suitable for longer term stays. To address this, the Rescue has now acquired a new structure which is enclosed on all but one side to protect against the elements, hopefully giving the best of both worlds. Two of our long term vulnerable pairs were then able to move into this last Saturday and start enjoying a much better quality of life.

The new accommodation for special needs buns

Cat has been very busy, popping up all over Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire to run awareness days, along with her hard-working team of helpers. Not only has this succeeded in raising the profile of rabbits and the Rescue, but we are starting to form much better working relationships with local businesses and organisations. This even includes pet shops, some of whom in the past were the partly responsible for many of our intake, so this is a particularly rewarding development.

The big news was the arrival of our latest planning permission agreement. Previously the Rescue was required to re-apply for this every 1-2 years, but the new agreement has been set for a 5 year period! Not only is this a great relief, and one less chunk of work for Colin for the next few years, but it also makes planning developments much simpler knowing that we won't need to consider any sort of move or additional restrictions any time soon.

The month also brought us much sadness. We lost our dear beautiful Dalmatian Rex Majestic, who was particularly special to me, and poor little special needs bun Dodger, whose loss was an especially heavy blow to Caroline.

Our dear little Dodger

As I am writing this (Thursday night), I am also waiting to hear news on Velveteen who broke her leg this morning and unfortunately was left with amputation as the only practical option. We know that rabbits, as with many animals, cope well on three legs, but the initial shock and serious surgery will make the next few days very difficult for her. For all the miraculous post-op recovery we've seen from strong-willed bunnies, including my own little fluffy fighter Whisky when he had his face lifted off and sewn back on, I can't forget the heart-shattering tragedies we've experienced. Like losing Porridge in 2011 after her dodgy teeth were taken out and then Serena last year after her eye removal. These next few days with Velveteen will no doubt bring us much worry so I am really trying to stay strong and believe she is going to be one of the fighters.

Well, that was May. Thank you everyone for your support and for coming back here each day to check up on how we are doing. Let's look forward to more exciting developments (and hopefully less of the sad bits) in June!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

The Kanga Ruse

I think moaning about the weather is going to be this weeks theme. With several days of rain and clouds keeping Whisky, Texas and the babies out of sight (or at least out of good light) and no new (decent) photo's from the Rescue, I'm a bit stuck. So for no other reason whatsoever, here's a picture from several weeks back of Kanga enjoying some dried snacky grass.

"Ha ha! Well. I, um...have absolutely no idea what hilarious thing I was talking about two weeks ago. Anyone?"

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

I Remember Nomday

Yesterday (Tuesday) was quite frustrating. My evening consisted of cleaning two baby bunny bottoms then having my nerves wrecked by various animals running in front of my car on the way back from picking up bunny supplies. Three wild bunny babies, one at a time down a single short stretch of road, followed by a young deer and finally a crazy pigeon. All in the space of about 3 minutes. When I got home I decided I needed a really big drink, which now I think about it I never did get round to pouring. No wonder I'm still frazzled!

Horrible soggy weather yesterday (and probably today) too, no good for outdoor bunny playtime. Whisky clearly much preferred Monday, which was bun-bakingly, grass-nomably sunny, so in the absence any bunny photo opportunities since, I think I'll leave you with my memories of that!



Tuesday, 28 May 2013

It's A Sign

"What, you think bunnies can use word processors?!  I'm telling you, it's completely legit!  Now stop stalling and get with the pellets already!"

Monday, 27 May 2013

Plus Eight

It is school half-term week, so while their families are away, lots of former residents are staying at the Rescue for their holidays.  With the extra demand on space, it seemed like a good time to take another set of foster rabbits home, so Texas and her seven little ones have come to stay at my house.

I have a feeling they are going to be hard work - within 24 hours of their arrival I'd already had to completely clean them out again and wash one bottom - but as usual the hard work comes with the most adorable little faces!

"This hay is awesome!  I can't decide if I should eat it or take a nap in it!"

"We approve of the new accommodations, might have to call the decorator about the colour scheme though..."

"Good view, lots of sun - I've found my spot..."

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Not My Bag, Man

Whisky has been very excitable since I arrived home yesterday.  At first I thought it was because he could smell the new foster bunnies who have come to stay, but I later started to wonder if really he was more interested in their luggage...

"OMG!  Let me in!  Let me in now!!!"

Saturday, 25 May 2013


Well after the sadness of this week, I think we all need a hug from our favourite teddy bear don't we?

"Need cheering up, eh?"

"And there would be something in this for me?"

"Apparently so - my nose doesn't lie!  You have brought me some treats!"

"How about instead of a cuddle you watch me eat the whole bag and then take a nap?"

Actually Angus, you are so adorable that would probably would cheer me right up!

Friday, 24 May 2013

Majestic Bunny

Yesterday was a very sad day for me - unfortunately we had to say goodbye to our beloved Majestic after his health problems overtook him, which has left me somewhat heart-broken.

My usual thing is to become attached to the crazy bitey rabbits, the rabbits you have to work hard with (like the wild-cross bunnies) and of course the various bunnies I've fostered.  Majestic didn't really fit into any of these categories, yet somehow he became very special to me and through the Rescue I feel I've shared a large part of his life journey - it is very difficult knowing that journey has come to an end.

I suspect Vicki will want to say more about him, having been his foster mum last year, but I just needed to mention his passing here today.

Goodbye dear Majestic.   I will miss you.  The Rescue will not be the same for me without you.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Behind You

"Unless I just napped clear thru to panto season, this is your cue to leave."

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

From Above Us It Devours

"You can't hide treats from me - I have snack-sonar!"

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Face Plant

Soooo....this means you *like* the grass I picked for you?


Monday, 20 May 2013

Holding Back The Ears

"...5, 6 and 7, OK that's all of us, now you kids get those ears locked back into breakfast position and let's get started!"

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Paint It Red

Me: Whisky, it's sunny outside, but you can't go out and play until your room is cleaned!

"OK.  About that though..."

"...isn't cleaning my room YOUR job?"

Me: Oh right.  So, outside then?

Today Whisky and I had the whole day together out in the garden. While I cleaned and re-painted the shed, Whisky had great fun exploring all the various things I'd moved out the way into the garden. But just as I was feeling pleased with myself that I had managed to keep his fluffy face and paws out of the paint all day, I stroked his fluffy head and then realised I hadn't managed quite so well with my hands...

Oh well, I guess I am going to have fun explaining his new red stripe to the vet at his appointment this week.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Meelky Bar Kids

Don't you just hate it when you've just been served your drinks but when you turn around to move away from the bar you can't get anywhere because of all the people trying to crowd in and take your spot?

"Er, guys? Could you maybe let me out first?"

Friday, 17 May 2013

Right-On Queue

Not only are Darwin's children the most friendly and sweet-natured of souls, they are also incredibly polite.  When was the last time you saw a group of bunnies forming an ORDERLY queue for snacks like this??!!

"Oo, oo, I think the concession stand is about to open! I'm gonna get me some carrot M&M's!"

And they didn't even seem to mind when, seconds later, they realised I'd actually only come in to sweep!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Bun Solo

"Come on, I can do this.  I am a super-star action-bunny-baby!  I'm gonna jump off the big castle, land elegantly, then end with a flourish and an 80's movie saxophone solo.  Here goes..."


"Wait a second - this isn't my saxophone!"

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Face of the Jester

I dare you to look at Jester's sweet little face and not want to cuddle him and take him home.  I double dare you.

"Don't blame yourself.  I should probably warn you that as a kit I gained a Masters Degree in Human Emotion Manipulation from the University of Squeedon."

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Three Foot Long

Nice try guys, but that gag only really works if you have the same coloured fur...

"Behold!  The three-foot-long bunneh!"

Monday, 13 May 2013

The Beast Awakens

Long term rabbit residents Clarence and Cora are reknowned for lounging sweetly together. The other evening during their free range time I was in the kitchen and saw they were lounging on the lawn together, soaking up the milder weather. A perfect opportunity to sneak up with the camera I thought…. As often happens, I was not sneaky enough and it was too close to tea time so they started to shift as I got closer. Hm I thought, maybe I’ll be able to get a photo of one of Cora’s lovely stretches and yawns that she always does when she gets up from a good nap. She promptly stretched over to the right so that she was hidden by a tube as she yawned. Opportunity missed. Then to my surprise Clarence starts to do a big stretch in my direction. Hurrah! My first photo of a big yawn. Shame dear Clarence looks absolutely terrifying in it!

“Human, please observe here my pointy teeth. If you keep insisting on getting hold of me every third day to jab me with antibiotics I will be using them on you.”

Clarence is actually a real sweety. He acts all butch, often charging into your hand at food time and grunting threateningly, but it’s all ‘talk’ and he’s a big softy really. He is very good at having his injections – sits nice and still until I’m done. Then stomps his disapproval once back in their playhouse and run.

"Hey, human! Stop ruining my bad boy reputation!"

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Cloudy Skies, Frowny Bun

"This is unacceptable. Fetch the hairdryer.  And don't stop blowing 'til the skies are clear and the grass is dry and tasty again."

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Here's a House...

What can you see through the Round Window, Big Ted?

"With my eyes closed, having a nap?  Nothing.  Nothing at all."

Friday, 10 May 2013

Fistful of Squee

So as I said earlier in the week, more pics of Texas' squee little babies to come, but meanwhile in another part of the Rescue...

"Poke me, weigh me, whatever, just next time don't wake me, OK?"

Thursday, 9 May 2013

San Fran Diet Plan

If you're going to Bun Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your...


...fur? Oh wait...


Of course.  Mouth.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Somewhere Near Texas

Not that you'd believe it, but I do try to vary who appears on here each day. So I hope you don't mind, but I suspect we will have quite a few pics of Texas' babies this month...

"Hey - did you here a noise just then? High-pitched, almost giggly, sounded sort of like someone saying...'squee'?"

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Angus and Jessie

Angus is regularly featured on this blog because he's just so adorable and photogenic. In case you were wondering why there's so many pictures of him on his own, considering he was bonded with his partner Jessie only a few weeks after he arrived, below is the best picture I've managed to get so far of the two of them together.

Any questions?

"I've got one question - since I'm still here, do I get both those treats you promised us for this picture?"

Monday, 6 May 2013

Bank Holiday Bunday Floptitude

So I guess I know what Whisky has planned for today...


Sunday, 5 May 2013

Day Slipper

"So...left? Right?  Or would you like an even spread across both?"

Saturday, 4 May 2013


Been chompin'
So hard
I'm munching
Real far
Eight seconds
Are left
Oh, then your right foot is next!

I've got this feeling
That human is staring down
If he was kneeling
Well then I'd chomp up his frown!

Now I gotta..
Chomp shoes!
Your foot's chewed!



Friday, 3 May 2013


"Think very carefully about the next word out of your mouth.  Because if it begins with an 'f' then so might the next one out of mine."

Thursday, 2 May 2013

One In Hole

"You know what I like about this hole?  It's big enough for me to fit through, while being too small for your fat butt.  Now scram - I'm watching hilarious YouTube videos of humans falling off of things."

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Another Brick Under Paw

"Don't look at me like that! I just climbed up a brick that was way taller than me.  What have YOU done today, lazy-pants?"