Friday 1 March 2013

Model Runaround

We try and have a variety of different types of bunny accommodation at the Rescue to demonstrate to visitors what sorts of setups might work in their garden.  One of our (and the bunnies) favourites is the Runaround system - in it's simplest setup, connecting the hutch to the run using a long bendy pipe.

Here is Scully modelling hers (which she shares with Mulder, obvy!).  If you have, or are thinking of having, bunnies living outside, you might want to check out the Runaround website for lots of ideas for making bunnies environments more interesting!

"I'm a model now, eh?  Surely they MUST get paid a lot of carrots."


  1. yes you do sweet heart,but that is a fine house you have there

  2. If you don't get your proper compensation, you can tell them to take this job and shove it.
    Also the name of a country song!

    Take this job and shove it
    I ain't a'workin' here no more
