Sunday 2 March 2014

What's Cookin', Whisky?

Here's Whisky just now:

There are only two times he disappears into this out-of-the-way corner of his room:-

  • When he realises it's medicine time.
  • As a comment on my cooking (human food).

He's not on medicines this week, so apparently it's my dinner that is frightening him. As shopping day isn't until tomorrow, it was a bit of an experiment in things I found in the cupboard and corners of the fridge. So while I could have taken his criticism personally, having just eaten the offending item, I actually think he might have a point.

"Oh OK, so I'm right now? Well if you agree with me about your food, perhaps next time you'll listen to criticisms about the quantities you give me of mine!"

OK Whisky, we'll discuss extra pellets when you've finished your hay...


  1. Don't argue with the bunny - ever.

  2. you could not possibly refuse that adorable little munchkin extra yummies!

  3. Hmm can't be all that bad can it or are you a bad cook?
    love the photo of Whisky,xx Rachel
