Saturday 7 March 2015

The Twilight Movie

"Hey you, human - you wanna take me to the pictures? That Sushi never takes me anywhere. I'd quite like a date. No wait, a cranberry. No, no, bring me a banana..."

Thanks Twilight, but maybe I'll just leave you to have a night in with your husbun and some snacks off the healthy list instead...


  1. Bananas are on the healthy list! See.. right there! It says two ta.. er, two ENTIRE BANANAS a day! (What? I'm not the one who'd be cleaning their litter boxes..)

  2. At home with the husbunn and the healthy list...doomed and doomed again. It's not right. It's not fair. It's not kind. Now give Twight a treat or take her to the movies.

  3. Oh, someone just suggested you were probably bound by anti-off-rescue-fraternization clauses in your volunteer agreement. You all just have a nice chat over the cranberries, uh, bananas...

  4. The fruit buffet sounds OK for me too!
