Monday 27 February 2012

You Are What You Wear

I have a coat and hat next to the back door that I always wear in the winter when I go outside to do anything with my garden bunnies. But then the weather suddenly changes and I nip out for the first time in months without said coat and hat...

"Argh! Something in the matrix has changed!" exclaims Jemima and refuses to come out of the shed for breakfast. ("Is that his going to the vets outfit? I can't remember, it's been a while...")

Or maybe it's just me and my bunnies. All of them. Last year after he went through a patch of being regularly rushed to emergency appointments at the vets with breathing problems, Whisky decided that any time he saw me talking on the phone and looking at him intently he had better go hide somewhere. Similarly he assumes something is amiss if he sees me upstairs with my outdoor shoes on.

I love bunnies. I especially love them after running round the house for 20 minutes in a blind panic because they've disappeared, eventually finding them curled up hiding in a closed drawer that you only looked in out of desperation, before realising they've found a sneaky way into it from the back. Love 'em.

Well anyway, I don't have any pictures for any of that. So here's one of Sushi landing a super-fast, mad binky in the garden on Saturday (complete with a bit of extra Photoshopped background blur to make it look even faster!).

Sunday 5 February 2012

Snow Bound

"This white stuff? Again??"

"Oh well, if we MUST play in it.."
