Monday 12 November 2012

Sunday Night Fight

Today I thought I'd update you on how Jemima and Elvis are getting on.

They are still living separately but for the last week have been sharing the spare room, staring at each other through wire mesh. There has been a complete lack of tension for the last few days, so I thought I'd try them in the garden together again - either they'd get on or it would give me the opportunity to take a couple of pictures of her aggressive body language to show Caroline. If you've been around rabbits with issues you know the sort of thing, the head down "No, YOU groom ME!" stand-offs, the ears back "I'll attack you if you even think of trying anything..." stances.


Well. Here are the pictures. The camera was on burst mode, which means it takes a bunch of pictures in a row. These were the last two shots in the sequence, the blurring is what happens when the photographer lets go of the camera because he suddenly has something more important to do...




  1. Oh dear, I hope no blood was drawn and nobunny ended up at the vet's. Foo' wabbits...

    1. No, thankfully, though Jemima did manage to pull a clump of his fur out before I got them apart.

  2. I second that Foo' wabbits,come on guys play nice

  3. Looks like me and my brother.

  4. Have you tried them with other rabbits?

    1. I don't think I can fit any more bunnies in my house and I'm pretty convinced her and and Whisky would be a bad fit. I have some more things to try, but the two of them are getting pretty grumpy at being stuck indoors in the meantime.

  5. "No, YOU groom ME!"

    That was the essence of Moshi and Jamili's relationship. Moshi was such a turd...

    There should be a bunny reality tv show. I would watch it.
