Wednesday 29 May 2013

I Remember Nomday

Yesterday (Tuesday) was quite frustrating. My evening consisted of cleaning two baby bunny bottoms then having my nerves wrecked by various animals running in front of my car on the way back from picking up bunny supplies. Three wild bunny babies, one at a time down a single short stretch of road, followed by a young deer and finally a crazy pigeon. All in the space of about 3 minutes. When I got home I decided I needed a really big drink, which now I think about it I never did get round to pouring. No wonder I'm still frazzled!

Horrible soggy weather yesterday (and probably today) too, no good for outdoor bunny playtime. Whisky clearly much preferred Monday, which was bun-bakingly, grass-nomably sunny, so in the absence any bunny photo opportunities since, I think I'll leave you with my memories of that!




  1. Replies
    1. He generally does when he's entertaining himself! The grumpy face usually only appears after bottom cleaning, face cleaning or vet visits!

  2. All those animals must be sign. Maybe they delayed you just enough to prevent a motor vehicle accident.

    1. Or maybe Whisky was up to something and sent them out to slow me down... Hmm... Maybe I should start counting the baby pellets...

  3. Its just one of those days we all get them,but a good snuggle with a bunny puts it right in no tima at all!
