Sunday 6 November 2016

All about me...

For as long as I can remember I've been crazy about bunnies.

I got my first rabbit when I was three years old and when he sadly passed away, another rabbit replaced him.

During my late teens and early twenties my focus switched to horses as where I lived wasn't suitable for rabbits.

A few years ago I was fortunate enough to move to a larger house with a 200ft garden. Pretty much as soon as we'd moved in we adopted three fluffy, little lionhead sisters from a local rescue.
(Prim, Cinna & Katniss)
Nearly a year later they were joined by Haymitch, harder to home as he was difficult to groom and also very food aggressive.

The fluffy foursome then moved into more spacious accommodation and I started fostering for other rescues.

A few months later I saw an advert of Facebook posted by Rabbit Residence Rescue asking for volunteers, so I started volunteering.

A couple of months after that I decided to offer a home to an older, harder to home, special needs pair and Miss Marple and Morse (now named Rose and Shadow) joined my ever increasing furry family.

(Miss Marple aka Rose)
(Morse aka Shadow)

As winter came I found myself volunteering more and more at the rescue and Caroline asked me to foster Claudia and Nemo.



After Nemo sadly passed away I adopted Claudia and she was bonded to the gorgeous, but 'interesting', Desmond.

Sadly Desmond passed away after only a few short months with our family.
Claudia was then bonded with Mr Magoo (now named Blue) who had recently been returned to the rescue.
(Mr Magoo, aka Blue)
For unknown reasons Blue and Claudia had a huge fight, several hundred pounds of vets bills later Blue is now happily bonded to Willow (another bun with behavioural issues) and Claudia is happily bonded to Ollie.
So that's pretty much the story of how I became bunny mum to ten rescue rabbits and also how I first got involved with Rabbit Residence Rescue.


  1. Wow! 10 bunnies plus bunny volunteering; that's real dedication.

  2. Thank you. Every bunny deserves his or her own Crazy Lady.
