Friday 20 March 2015

Mira, Mira


  1. My Dad used to look at me like that. Not much good came of it.

  2. Does little Mira know that in Texas we pronounce her name like most of the rest of the world pronounces "mirror"?

    1. I have always pronounced it Mih-rah, which is pretty much how I say mirror, hence the title. Caroline has a tendency to pick uncommon spellings of names to keep us all on our toes, but now you mention it I can't remember if I've ever heard her say Mira's name out loud. Maybe she's really My-rah - it could explain this look on her face if I've been saying it wrong all this time!

    2. I thought you would be mad if I compared one of your sweet bunnies to the wicked queen who offered Snow White an apple. I have found them to be, if not always completely confident, at least completely unwilling to pass out apples. A really wonderful use of "mira" is hearing little children say "Mira, mira, Mama!" As for Caroline and her choice of spellings, everything you've told us about her bespeaks a person who has always taken the road less travelled by. And, of course, everything Whiskey says makes it abundantly clear that you are prone to lazily shuffling around and that anything that gets you on your toes can only be for the good.
