Sunday, 31 July 2016

Bugsy and Sprat At The Weekend

Well it's the end of another stressful week at home. Bugsy's appetite wasn't improving as the temperatures became more reasonable so she had a dental on Thursday. Thankfully that did the trick, her appetite is back to normal and most of her medicines are due to stop this week which she will be happy about. Unfortunately she now has a snotty nose for me to worry about.

Sprat is mostly being Sprat, but he has a lumpy face again and is booked for another abscess surgery next week.

At least they are mostly enjoying themselves this weekend, not including yesterdays vet trip (yes, another one). New shenanigans include Bugsy raiding the herb garden, Sprat trying repeatedly (and very nearly successfully) to get his head stuck in the watering can and both of them adventuring around parts of the house they are not exactly supposed to be in (or so Anouska tells me). So pretty much a normal life with rabbits.

"Remind me why I'd want to go play in the garden when all the treats are in the house? All there is out there is grass! Who would want to eat that?!"



  1. It's a hard life for a bun. If a human isn't trying to take pictures of them, then they're trying to stick things in them, or drag them out of their comfy warren to let some stranger with a stethoscope stick things in them.. *sigh* .. More treats are a must!

    1. They have forgone treats in favour of adventuring about the house. I've been trying to teach them to go up and down the stairs so they can control when it's time to go in/out rather than me carrying them about, but it has sort of backfired. They don't just go in and out, they set off about the place exploring and now I can't find them!

    2. One day I couldn't find Scout Bunny ANYWHERE. I was getting more and more frantic. After my fifth time checking under the bed, I felt a wriggly nose on the sole of my foot. Surprised the heck outta me, I jumped a mile (bashing my head) and a bunny binkied out of the room. What a wonderful game I'd created! (Little snot.)

      So, when I laugh.. and laugh.. I'm laughing WITH you, honest. :D

    3. He, he, he . . .laughing with you? Sure.

  2. Oh dear best go get some treats then,mind you Speedy would enjoying all that tasty grass,xx Rachel

    1. Sprat does occasionally have a go at the grass, but without front teeth he does struggle and gets bored of that game quite quickly. All the buns here are either dentally challenged or grumpusses who don't go out much. I'm sure if Speedy had access to our small garden there would be no grass left by now!
