Monday 29 August 2016

Lucky Escape

Bonita, our rather bolshy Spanish meat rabbit, recently moved house yet again into a shed with access to a large grass area, as Caroline hopes that we can still tackle her fear-aggression. At some time in the future we may investigate the suspicion that her spay was not done properly but with rabbits with greater issues at the Rescue it has to wait its turn.

With her having a roam around, I decided to brave the enclosure and crawl across the grass like a member of the SAS, phone in extended hand and zoom up to full.

As you can see, she wasn't immediately impressed by the new slowly creeping addition to her play area, but it was then that I made my fatal mistake- trying to get her to face the camera by calling "Bon Bons!"

The blink of an eye later...

Note to self- never again...! 


  1. Oh dear - another of our photographers has fallen prey to an irritated rabbit whose probably just thumped a member of the pawperazzi.

    Maybe we should start paying Pandoren and B-HV hazard pay? Or start paying them visits in the ER.

  2. Yes, hazard pay - twice what the are making now - but their location while recuperating should be kept secret. In lieu of flowers, candy, alcoholic spirits, please send reminders to never say never.
