Thursday 29 May 2014


An issue we are battling with at the Rescue right now is Twilight's weight. Maybe it's because Old Man Sushi is such a slow, delicate eater that she's getting most of the food, maybe it's because Twilight would rather nap than run a lap, but she's shot up to around 30 percent heavier than her ideal weight.

Obesity can lead to all sorts of health problems, so we need to encourage her to exercise and shed the grams. For my part, I've been standing around laughing uncontrollably whenever I see the way her butt wobbles when she moves. (Hey, don't judge me people, I'm trying to be motivating! Or, no, definitely motivating.)

Sushi of course is being very helpful...

"How about this: Put me in a little chariot with the food, have Pea, Pod, Cosmos and Goofy pull it round the Rescue and Twilight can chase behind eating out the back?"


  1. hey that sounds like a great idea Sushi!
    I know how hard it is to get a bunny to lose weight,Speedy gained a lot before he had his eye removed,so his food has to be weighed and monitored all the time,and encoraged to play more it is working as he was 4.15kg and at his last weigh in he was 3.35kg he needs to get down to 3kg or just bellow so we have a bit more to go,Good luck with Twilight,Thank you for your kind comment whe Speedy was poorly over the week end ,he is back to his normal self,xx Rachel

    1. Thanks Rachel. Our main difficulty here is managing a diet between her and Sushi. We'd hate to have to split them, but if we put them on a restricted diet Sushi might waste away!

  2. As we say in my house; she's not fat, she's just fluffy! I'm sure its all floof... Plus the holidays make everyone chubbier! :)
    XOXO Meaghan and Scarlett

    1. Hmmm...well if it's floof, that's some mighty heavy floof! ;-)

  3. You don't think it could be a problem with Sushi's health do you? And you really don't think Twilight is bullying Sushi?

    1. We are exploring all possibilities. Sushi had some back teeth issues when he shared Whisky's room back in 2012, but in the end the vet decided they weren't severe enough to warrant putting him under for a dental, but we will be getting them looked at again (possibly today). I've certainly not seen any tension between them. Sushi is just SO sweet and adorable, I don't think even other bunnies would be mean to him! (Except maybe Whisky, who occasionally charged at him in the garden, but Sushi would just lick his head given the chance!)

    2. It is so heartwarming to hear about the concern and loving care you bestow on all your bunnies. This seems to me to be a tough problem. Our bunnies do not like it when we meddle. Could Grumpus sort them out so they could just turn on him and not you or worse yet (sorry to be so callous) each other?
