Thursday 2 June 2016

This Quiet Corner

It's quiet down the rescue most of the time, especially now my mp3 player has given up the ghost and gone to meet its maker. Unfortunately this means that my strange mind (you don't have to be mad to work here but it helps!) has to find ways to entertain itself. Pandoren FM tunes into such classics as...

"Because I'm Hoppy (clap along if you feel like a room without a roof)..."

No? OK, maybe not then...

How about... 

"Sprocket man! (Burnin' out this fuse up here alone)..."

What? No good either?

OK, one last try...

Wait for it...

"Mallow! Is it me you're looking for?"

"I'd stop right now if I were you..."

Tough crowd...


  1. All right, you all, let's chip in and get Pandoren a new mp3 player. We don't want any bunnies being forced to cross the line.

  2. There does seem to be severe disapproval radiating from your audience.. >_<
