Friday 17 October 2014

The Chompening


  1. They're both absolutely horrified and disbelieving when you uttered the words "All out of treats!"

  2. "What No Treats?!!"... "Oh my gosh its the end of the world....we shall starve!"
    poor little things,xx Rachel

  3. Well, you all know B-HV is pretty experienced. Surely he would try to temporized. I mean, he wouldn't just come out and say "all out of treats." I am thinking he must have claimed he had to go refill his treat bucket, and he is being barked at, told to get along with it, make it snappeh, like Fleetie says.

  4. Hmmm...I'm just trying to figure out from the comments here if everyone has spotted the snacks poking out of both bunnies mouths, or if they are referring to follow-up snacks?

  5. Those don't count. What have you done for those Bunns lately. Besides the Bunns are claiming they were photoshopped.

  6. Treats in mouf don't count.. even if they exist.. Which they don't. Obviously this is some sort of human trick on poor, sweet, innocent, treatless, bunnies.. ;)

  7. OK, fair enough! [Goes to fetch snack bucket]

  8. B-HV, you must think we will believe anything. Well, yes, we humans might, but the bunnies will know, the bunnies will remember, the bunnies have their little bunny contacts, and those contacts have their little bunny ways. Or, let me put it like this - how many sofas do you have?

  9. It does not really matter what is, or is not, in the picture. NOW is MORE TREATS time for sure!
