It feels like Whisky has had a nice long break from vet visits recently, especially when you consider he was going weekly back in the spring. But this week he had a snotty nose and some pesky fur-mites to deal with, so we had to go get him another course of antibiotics and ivomectin. He wasn't impressed about being dragged from the house for this outing, messing up his carefully planned nap routines for the day, but he seemed relieved when we got back in the car after the appointment. "I hated that, but at least we are going straight home this time" he seemed to say.
He did act a little confused when we stopped halfway home to pick up some things at the bunny supplies shop, but I think he found the smell of tasty snacky-grass filling the car reassuring for the remainder of the journey.
Back at home, Whisky has calmly accepted that medicines have returned to the daily routine before his evening face-bath, so levels of resentment have not been significantly increased from their usual level. If they had, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be so keen to break out the Whisky-Happy-Dance after at the first sign of the treat tub being opened...
If it can be crossed, we have crossed it.