Tuesday 17 September 2013

Behind With The Calendars

I am in trouble. I am about three weeks behind schedule coming up with the photo's for fellow volunteer Nicola so she can start creating next years Rabbit Residence Rescue calendar.

My main problem isn't that I don't have any decent photo's, it's that they are all the wrong shape. It seems that sometime around late 2012 I became very good at taking "portrait" pictures and since then have taken very little else. Unfortunately, the calendar needs "landscape" pictures.

No worries though, all I need is a couple of weekends of good weather...oh.

Well anyway, I have been forcing myself to take more landscape pictures over the last couple of weeks in the hope we can make up the shortfall. Since I thought it would be nice to feature some of our extra special buns who have been with us for some time, I have also focused on some of those. And the good news is, I FINALLY got a decent picture of Fonzie and Rosetta, standing still, together! Only thing is...

It's no good. Even with this one - still too behind.


  1. Hahaha. I love when it is someone else besides me getting the bunny butt!

  2. It is a rare photo of a legendary pair. As such no complaints, or fussiness will be tolerated. The photographer should just rejoice in being able to at last prove to the world that the Loch Ness bunnies exist.

  3. we love bunny butts!yay!xx Speedy and Rachel
