Saturday 14 February 2015

Happy Valentines 2015

"I hope you have enjoyed our Valentine's Week stories from bunnies who found their true love and companions here at the Rabbit Residence Rescue. Perhaps some of you have been inspired to contact your local rabbit rescue to set up a romantic opportunity for the lonely bunny in your life?! (I mean, it's not that us bunnies don't like chatting with you humans, but it's so nice to have somebun around to speak bunny with!) I certainly enjoyed the tales and if nothing else, they have definitely put me in the mood for a nice candle-lit carrot with Bugsy tonight.

Our week may be coming to an end, but before I pass BHV's account back to Whisky ready for tomorrow's blog post, today we celebrate Valentine's Day itself with a selection of love and snuggles from some more of our adoptees.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone and everybun!"

Peppy and Zelda in Loving-Lick Corner - photo by Amy

Lyric and Logan, Ear Licks and Whispers - photo by Emma

Pat the Pillow and Bob the Snoozer - photo by Cat

Jasmine and Theo in The Litter Tray Stretch-Out - photo by Jayne

Alfie and Peach and the Buried-Face Snuggle - photo by Katie

Fluff and Puff Kiss - photo by Steph


  1. Best Valentine and Valentine week ever. Long live bunny love and bunnies whose humans love then so well.

  2. Happy Valentines Day,to you all!nothing better than bunny love,xx Speedy
