Tuesday 23 June 2015

Tuesday Tail #44

Everything went wrong for today's post, starting with my broadband playing up last night when I wanted to draft it, to finding the laptop which has all the photo's on had no battery power and realising I've left the power supply somewhere else. I feel like just going back to bed. Looks like I'm not the only one...


Normal service will resume, I hope, shortly.


  1. Awww. Sorry for the spat of bad luck. (I'm sure Whisky wasn't jinxing you post clean-up. He'd never do that.. right?)

    I firmly believe 'back to bed' is a firm and wise decision when life prevents you for doing work. :)

    1. Shady, don't you think some chewed wires (root vegetables, everyone knows they are ambrosial root vegetables that the human try to hoard) would have been involved?

    2. I think if they made a sitcom of my life, "Back to bed!" would be a prime candidate for becoming my catchphrase.

    3. I've not found any chompage cable-wise, but these bunnies are crafty, who knows which nooks and such they squeeze into when we're not looking for their destructo-habits.

    4. As long as you didn't find the hole they dug to China in your living room, it shall all be good, right?

    5. Dear B-HV, the sitcom title is brilliant. I wish I were a cartoonist. It would be a great name for your and Whiskey's own cartoon strip. BUT, thanks for getting out of bed . . . strolls off whistling "Let us now be up and doing with a heart for any chore . . ."

  2. All the little stuff seems to go wrong, (assuming the evening's misadventures were not a masterful Whiskey plot, (in which case everything was perfectly well-orchestrated)),and yet, we are still left with a bunny tail to marvel over. Thank you. Oh, the bunnies just howled when they read "normal service." I had a hard time trying to assure them that "regular service" was what was meant.

    1. You got a tail, some 6 hours later than planned, and possibly not the same tail, but a tail! The things I do for you guys! You'll be happy to hear that said laptop is currently charging away and several days of pics have now been selected in advance just in case...

    2. I know, we are a scurrilous lot, but we are deeply grateful for all you and everyone/bunn at R3 does. Our thanks always.

    3. Auntie Jane has it right - any day without an R3 post seems rather off. (I mean, you get to have days off, but it doesn't mean we don't miss you!)
