Saturday 26 December 2015

Sunny Reviews

"Oh yes, I absolutely love my new Moult and Bolt box. It's great to hide in and jump on and I can rub my cheeks all over it, what's not to love ab- wait..."

"What do you mean I'm not getting paid for this?!"


  1. How about if we pay you some compliments? You where doing just great there for a while. Don't you want other bunnies to know about these great boxes?

    1. I think bunnies prefer treats to compliments. Just a rumour I heard.. :)

    2. In keeping with the spirit of the season, I will temper my response to this crass assessment of the world's bunnies. Shady is painting with a pretty broad brush. I would like to assure everyone that my bunny is not one of these "material bunns."

  2. I bet you will get some carrots for this and if not I'm sure Speedy will bring you some,xx Rachel

  3. You all, this flooding is really, really scary. Are you and the bunnies okay?

    1. We haven't had flooding down our way, just the usual muddy boot weather. Half of the rescue has our new mats down so that's mainly ok but the other half is still a bit of a nightmare. Don't worry, if we start flooding, you'll know about it because it will probably be on the blog lol Thanks for thinking of us though :)

  4. loving the blog - as always!!!

    1. Thanks! This one keeps making me laugh, the face is perfect. I'm glad the posts have been ok, it was a bit of a shock to start posting solo!

    2. With precious bunnbunns, you never post alone. We, too, are loving the blog - as always.
