Tuesday 26 January 2016

The Spanish Lady

Recently a woman in Alicante came across a sorry sight- among other unfortunates, she found emaciated dogs chained to poles and, in one bare metal cage void of flooring, bedding and food, a rabbit that was probably destined for the meat market. That Spanish bun buns is a very lucky lady, as the woman rescued her, vaccinated her and flew her via pet taxi all the way to our rescue.

Introducing: Bonita.

She's quite a big girl and certainly has a strong attitude. Although her rescuer told us that she's now spayed, Caroline and I suspect from her behaviour that perhaps, if this is the case, the operation was not done properly. Her submissiveness once caught made photographing her positively somewhat difficult, but I hope once her hormones settle and her trust increases there will be better opportunities to show her off in full glory.

She certainly announced her arrival with a bang- originally she had been contained in a plastic quarantine cage in the Reception Barn. Since she was being very energetic, Caroline consented to construct a panel enclosure around the cage for some temporary run time. This turned out to be very temporary indeed, as Bonita decided upwards was better and went mountaineering across our shelving units.

Upon opening up the morning after her intake, Caroline then found that Bonita had broken out of her cage and spent the night terrorising poor Jessica the Cat!

Now Naughty McBunbuns has moved into a wooden hutch where she is continuing to show us her true character. I get the feeling she is going to appear on the blog quite a lot in future!


  1. Can we make that "naughty McBunbunita?" Blessings upon you all and the woman from Alicante. I will go on and say it, because I know everyone is thinking it. The cat got what she deserved.

  2. This little girl looks exactly like my own little boy. Please take good care of her.
