Saturday 20 February 2016


Today's post comes from Lea, volunteer and recently foster mum to little Claudia and Nemo.

In November, Caroline offered me the chance of fostering a pair of long term residents and I jumped at the chance of having Nemo and Claudia as they had been in the rescue for so long.

Nemo stole my heart that first morning, he was so adorably cute and curious of his new surroundings. He was a greedy little bun who would come racing out for his breakfast and dinner at break neck speed. Nemo steadily became much braver and would come over for a quick nose rub and a treat every morning; he would follow round whilst I cleaned and always make me laugh by sitting in the dustpan.

He loved cuddling up on his blanket with Claudia in the sunshine and also munching through his daily ration of grass and forage.

Nemo was such was a handsome little guy with his super soft slate coloured fur, he was so joyful and was always so very full of life.

Nemo became unwell on the evening of 31st January and was rushed to the emergency vet for treatment. Sadly, he passed away the following morning whilst being prepped for surgery for a stomach blockage.

Nemo will always hold a special place in my heart and will never be forgotten.

Words and photos by Lea.

1 comment:

  1. We are so sorry, and once again, can only thank you for your loving work.
