Tuesday 2 February 2016

Neroli's Surgery

One of our special cases right now is Neroli. Recently she developed an abscess behind her eye, which caused somewhat of a dilemma for the Rescue as the only treatment option was complete removal, a procedure we have never achieved successfully. In the past we have even opted not to have it performed, merely because we didn't want to put poor rabbits through the usual aftermath. Our current supervet, however, felt that he could change our luck and so we agreed to go ahead. Our girl has made things more complicated as she also had surgery to her mouth, which was the cause of the abscess, but after a period of uncertainty we hope she is now going in the right direction.

I've resisted showing most of my images of her since the operation as her face looks a little worse for wear at the moment but she's a fluffy girl so I have high hopes she'll come right once her fur grows back. At least her husbun Oslo is looking after her well.

"Hey! Paparazzi! No photographs of the lady!"

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