Friday 7 September 2012

Friday... foster bunny Tombo's last day staying with me, so this afternoon we had some extra play (and cuddle!) time. Of the litter of 6, he has been the friendliest and most confident, therefore always the first in line to bundle on top of me when they thought there was any chance of snacky treats. I will be sad to see him go, but let's hope that back at the Rescue he will be quickly re-homed so he can bring lots of joy to some other lucky family!

"Moving out??!! Well I guess I'd better start packing then. Pass me that plastic tub over there to put my stuff in. Don't worry about the snacks in it, I'll empty those out..."


  1. Awwwww,sweet baby good luck Tombo in finding your forever home,we shall miss you xxx from Speedy and Mum

  2. Oh my goodness, those ears! That face! What a handsome rabbit =:)

  3. School is over. Now out and find a job and a home!

  4. I agree with Nicole above -- what a handsome rabbit! I could fall for those ears ....
