Saturday 29 September 2012

Potato Checks

My days of shovelling bunny poo for most of my time when I am on-site at the Rescue may be over. I have recently been 'upgraded' from cleaner to 'health-checker'. (Though I may well be downgraded again if Caroline reads yesterdays blog post.)

I'm not sure our residents are overly happy about this though. Despite extensive experience with my bunnies and the odd grooming or injury checking at the Rescue I have a long way to go before I have the level of confidence and competence that they have come to expect from Caroline.

I am getting better with experience and no doubt by the time I've checked them all at least once the improvements will be noticeable. But I'm afraid that's of little comfort to those bunnies that had to go first...

"Hmmm...why do I get the feeling this is not going to be the high quality manicure I was promised in the brochure"


  1. beautiful bunny with a lovely name.... and, no doubt by now, perfect nails!
