Monday 11 May 2015


Very sadly, Fariyah was helped to the Rainbow Bridge today. She had been doing so well after the removal of a large tumour and one of her kidneys last year, but unfortunately the cancer came back. She went downhill very quickly and over the weekend developed laboured breathing, by this morning there was nothing left we could do for her so we had to let her go.

She was never a one for the camera, although not especially timid generally it was one imposition too far and she would run from it - the above pic which appeared on this blog earlier this year was the only decent photo of her I ever got. She was a lovely old girl though, in her relatively short time with us she had many hours of happy playtime in the sunshine and was loved by her lumbering giant of a partner Old Soldier. Although we are sad to see her go, we remember all the wonderful days she got to live with us in relative luxury compared to the small hutch she grew up in before we met her.

Binky free sweet Fariyah.


  1. I'm sorry for your loss B-HV.

  2. Thank you so much for the good times your loving care allowed Fariyah to have. You all are a blessing to bunnies and a blessing to us. May the rising sun of each new day remind you of God's love for you and your charges now and ever after. Thank you for having chosen the path of kindness. May every step be blessed.
