Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Tunnel of Shove

Maximus is recovering well from his dental surgery to remove his incisors. He is currently living in one of our Special Needs Units (looks like a massive hutch, 6 foot tall, but with no legs) with another recovering dental surgery bunny called Eva who had a number of molars and several abscesses removed. To encourage their recovery, they are getting lots of extra turns on the grass area, which cheers them both up no end.

As proof of his recovery, his cheekiness returned almost immediately...

"Of course you'll fit through! Just stick your head in and if you get stuck I'll shove you from behind. Even if you get REALLY wedged in there, there's no need to worry - I've been watching how the grater works and I reckon I could make my own breakfast."

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, Maximus. Breakfast in bed is pretty nice. It certainly is good to know you are feeling better.
