Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Tuesday Tail #52

The proportion of my recent Pea/Pod/Cosmos photos that are of them hoofing off in the opposite direction probably has something to do with my involvement in moving them out of their old setup and also being the one who picked them up for health checks and vet visits several weeks in a row. At breakfast I am now generally glared at, even if it is through begrudgingly grateful parsley nommage.

I am hoping it will pass in a few more weeks of no handling, but in the meantime, during outdoor playtime I am getting no shortage of photos for our Tuesday Tail feature...

"See ya!"


  1. Did you get bonus foot flicks too?

    1. It was a very good 'And I flick my feet in disdain at your very existence!' pose in the photo. :D

      "Your human presence? Be gone!.. But leave the parsley."

  2. Good grief! What did you really do? You must have said something (na-nanaa-na-naana, perhaps?. I don't think bunnies can glare and nom parsley.

    1. Oh they can! They really can! Disapproval comes naturally to little fluffsters...
