Sunday 4 August 2013

Soul Stealer

Despite the storms and rainy days, it is still very warm in these parts. This makes Whisky too hot to be very active and pretty much the only way to get him racing around is to encourage him to venture out in the garden late in the evening. Last night we went out after dark and sure enough the cool night seemed to wake him up a bit.

Too dark for me to do anything productive in the garden, so my only task was to keep one eye on him (luckily he's light coloured) and another on the walls and fences spotting for cats and foxes. Well that got boring pretty quickly so to pass the time we decided to try and take some "ghost pictures". For anyone who has not tried this already, this is where you set the shutter speed on your camera to (say) 30 seconds and set it down on something solid (so there's no movement). Then press the button to take the picture, walk quickly into frame and stand still for (say) 10 seconds, then walk quickly out again. The effect is to create a "ghost" in the picture.

These were our best efforts - ghostly me stealing Whisky's ghostly soul! (Or at least, ghostly me borrowing Whisky's ghostly soul for a ghostly cuddle!) Not great pictures but we had great fun making them!


  1. Replies
    1. I bet you could get some real interesting ones with a speedster like Speedy, though the getting him to stay still for 10 seconds might be the challenging part! ;-)

  2. Yea - Speedy can whip in, grab a couple bunny friends, and whip out before the shutter even opened!!! Like those pix!

  3. BHV you are terrifying! Love that Whisky barely moved for the whole 30 seconds.

  4. BHV you are terrifying! Love that Whisky barely moved for the whole 30 seconds.

  5. ooooohhhhhhhh - might have to try this at some point.
