Tuesday 31 December 2013

Peepers And Poopers

"Topaz? Don't look now but there's a human peeping through our window. Get me my poop gun. I'm suddenly very glad I ate so much hay yesterday…."


  1. Poop gun and Pee shooter....better make a run for it!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Yesterday I was at rescue, cleaning aiverys...the bunnies were out to get me, they purposefully pooped just were I was cleaning...im sure it was on purpose! !!!

  3. hahaha thats bunnies for you the cute pooping machines,Happy New year,xx Rachel

  4. Oh, great, poster children for the NRA. Wait this could be a milestone in the American gun debate - only bunny poop for ammunition. As much as I would prefer to have nothing moving through the air in low trajectories, I might be able to live with this.
