Monday 5 October 2015

All Fronts

"Rustling the kale bag gets you the Ear of Attention - you wanna shake out the carrots for a pair?"


  1. hehehe favourite noms always do the trick,xx Rachel

  2. How could you contemplate the future without little fellows like this? And, and, clothes without little holes in them?

    1. Well Anouska at home has the holes part covered. But I am going to miss seeing them every week. Just to reiterate, I am only cutting back, not cutting out! Hopefully I will be able to maintain fortnightly volunteering days, assuming Whisky can resist the temptation to stick sharp things up his nose for the foreseeable future...

    2. Oh, nothing recently thankfully. I just mean, with me spending less as one of my goals, I should be able to still afford a couple of days a month at the rescue so long as Whisky doesn't spend it instead. Remember that time he got the thorn stuck up his nose and bled everywhere? Scared me near to death, needed expensive surgery to find and remove it.
