Thursday 8 October 2015

Halloumi Loves...Amell?

Halloumi is a beautiful, friendly but hard-to-please Rex who has been at the Rescue and on her own for far too long. Of course, lots of families have wanted to take her home, but in all cases she rejected their bucks (or they rejected her). She even rejected dear Wizz eventually, despite some initial positive signs. The good news is that (assuming I haven't cursed it with this post) she finally seems to be getting on with her new friend Amell. They are an odd-looking couple, he looks a little small to be her husbun, but sometimes it's the odd couples that work the best.

"Look, she's twice my size, she needs twice the snacks. And I need twice that to keep up with her. So give, 7 portions of snacks!"


  1. Now this little guy is cool, and he did the math right...well a bit of fudging at the end.

  2. It is quite amusing watching them "discuss" who will be nearer the door at meal time.
