Friday 30 October 2015

Too Fat To Clap

DISCLAIMER: Caught in the middle of cleaning herself, hunched up in a ball with paws and other bits in motion, B. looks way chunkier here than even she actually is. I can assure you though that she looked her normal self in the photos either side of this one. I wouldn't want you to think we tolerate total chubsters at the RRR, fat is really not a healthy state in bunnies. But, frankly, I found it too hilarious not to post this unflattering photo anyway! Sorry Boadicea! Er...I'm ready for my chomping now...


  1. Better run for the wall and hope she stays on her side of it..

    (Totally worked for the Romans, right?)

  2. Remember the camera does add pounds - even when you are in black :)

  3. You are a naughty boy, B-HV. I blame it on Whiskey.

    1. Now now, Whisky is a sweet innocent angel who does his best to keep his pet human in line, but a boy has to nap sometime!

    2. Or maybe she's just saying BHV likes a tipple before he writes these things... ;)
