Saturday 13 July 2013

Back in the RRR

After speaking to Caroline yesterday we decided that it is probably safest to return Salsa to the Rescue - one of her boys appears to be physically maturing ahead of schedule and we don't want him to be brother to his own children (or indeed have any children of his own, there being enough bunnies in Rescues as it is).

So one last picture of her before she goes back later today. This was yesterday after I'd health-checked them all (making them grumpy) and fed them (making them less grumpy) then left them to chill out in the hot summer evening (making them all sleepy and snugly, apparently). I should also point out that this is not their area, this is the hay storage part of the shed, but it was nearer their dinner bowls and when you've gotta flop, you've gotta flop.

"Darn straight. Maximum floppage in 3...2..."


  1. Beauties,I'm sure Salsa will go to a lovely home soon.good luck to her.I just love floppy bunnies,xx

  2. those are some big babies.

    1. It is very odd. They are less than 11 weeks old in this picture but I'm not sure I would have believed it if they hadn't been born at the Rescue, especially given the physical developments of the boys.

  3. we still call Parsley's accidental offspring 'the babies' even though they now weigh in at an average of 3kg! Steve wanted to change their group name to 'The Young ones' (inspired by the 80s programme) but I kept bursting into song with Cliff Richard's The Young Ones . . . so he gave up on that pretty quickly . . .
