Monday 15 July 2013

How Now Brown Cloud?

The temperatures over the last few days have been silly (for the UK) and the forecast for this week is "more of the same" (plus a few storms). None of the bunnies are happy about this. Whisky his has replaced "ambling around my room, sometimes grazing" time with "grumpy hot-and-bothered floppage" time. Oh, and "demanding daddy lets me outside to play at a ridiculously late hour when it's cool" time is on the increase too.

But perhaps suffering even more than Whisky was little Brown-Cloud (not his real name), the floofy little cashmere kid. So much floofiness in fact, no wonder he was struggling to cope in the heat - it must be like wearing several little cashmere jumpers. Well I couldn't leave him to suffer, so yesterday I had my first attempt at trimming a bunny's coat. Fortunately he is very sweet and trusting so the stress was minimal. He seems a lot cooler now and in fact looks quite a bit more like his sister. If, that is, his sister had insisted her furdresser cut her fur blindfolded...

"Wait - did you just say you've never done this before? OK, now that explains a lot."


  1. Hmm, we are having a cool spell in Oklahoma. I have the windows open right now. Of course, it is three thirty in the morning. I just finished cleaning the bunny pens (indoor pens) and I gave each set of bunns a plate of ice to play with. Their windows are open and their fan is going and they got ice in their water. It is 65 degrees and feels so nice. I am dreaming of October...
    THat is what you should name this floofster. October. I know he cannot wait for that fair month as well.
    October is a GORGEOUS, aborabunny. And aren't those patches very October-esque?

    1. I'm actually starting to get attached to the name "Brown-Cloud" now - I really need to sort out all their names before I end up stuck with thinking of them as the silly temporary ones like I did the last group. :-/

  2. That is what everyone has been saying about your weather. I am so sorry to hear it is even getting to be hard on the bunns. Please give Whiskey his play time.

    1. Don't worry - it is rare in our house for Whisky to not get what he wants! (Like 10pm playtime in the garden)

  3. Now as for little October Brown Cloud all that can be said is that you all have one tolerant little sweetie there. Actually the name and the cut are, well, very original. I think he may well like them. Thank you for thinking of his comfort enough to take such a daring step, but really it is tres chic.

  4. he is adorable isn't he?Speedy is doing his floppage by my feet right now,xx

  5. Some one just asked if he still had two ears. When I submitted the visual evidence, there was even more murmuring in the crowd. He does have both his ears, right?

    1. Ears: Two. Whiskers: Er...most?! ;-)
      I was really careful, especially around the face where suddenly he did seem to mind having scissors waved at him (not surprisingly). He was OK after at first, then later he seemed to realise he'd lost all his beautiful floof and sulked, now he has forgiven me. He is definitely the sweetest and most strokable of the bunch!

  6. Can't you give them some ice bottles to sit near to?

    Yes, it is very hot here in the UK at the moment, and because it is rare here, we don't have aircon. So the hot days, and nights, can be very hard and unpleasant for us. I'm having real trouble sleeping - even more than usual.

    It must be awful for poor bunnies. :-(

    1. Have you tried curling up next to a bottle of frozen water? ;-)

      My freezer has packed up and I am struggling to find a suitable replacement, so the best I have been able to manage this week is regularly changing the water and using refrigerated ice pods, which don't stay cool for anywhere near as long. Whisky also has his own fan.
