Sunday 14 July 2013

The Glare of the Mum

Wow, I've had some disapproving mums before when I've tried to photograph babies, but I think Azula is trying to out-mum them all. (Azula is the very same mum that misted my lens for me earlier in the week.) Check out this look I was on the receiving end of yesterday! No amount of snacky bribery would convince her I wasn't up to no good...



  1. Ooooooooooooooh, you are so in for it now...

  2. narrowed eyes, steely glare, yup, you're in trouble!

  3. Well, I appreciate Azula's efforts to give her children, child stars though they be, a normal life. It really concerns me when I see a mother bunn pushing her offspring. It also really concerns me when I see a mother bunn looking at a great photographer and devoted volunteer in this way. I am not sure running is the best option, but since their seems to be a real dearth of other other options, I'd go with it like Speedy says. I know it's not fair, but think what it is going to mean to Azula's self-esteem. Think of the wonderful example she is setting for her babes as to what being a self-respecting bunny is all about. Seriously, what kind of treats are you using? I'd get something else.

  4. Bunnies make the best mothers.

  5. Now THAT is a disapproving rabbit!
