Tuesday 17 July 2012

Subtle Messages

I have spent quite a bit of time recently reading about bunny body language. To be honest, most of what I've read in these books I had already figured out from four years observations of my own family, but I have still found it a useful exercise to cement these ideas into my head in a way that I might more easily explain them to others. It is important to understand as bunny parents that without the benefit of the same level of vocalisation employed by some other animals, our little furry friends will often attempt to communicate with us through using the same set of subtle physical signals they use to communicate with each other.

It can be a tough thing to decipher at first. You see them doing something odd - stamping, flicking their feet, moving their ears, twitching their tails, standing in a particular way - you know they are trying to tell you something, but what is it?

For example, here is Whisky last night. I just know he's trying to tell me something, but what could it possibly be??!!


  1. Awwwwwwww, poor starving Whisky--an empty dish is a terrible thing, and he's giving you his best "starving bun" face, to boot!

  2. that is a real "Please Sir may I have some more?" look!

  3. My bun is not so subtle when she wants food. She's discovered that pulling my hair gets results really quick.

  4. Awwwwww a whiskey fix to brighton my day after the fright on the weekend

  5. My bunns start scratching cardboard or throwing things around... Stamping their feet, pushing their wire walls out to the limits of the room, spilling their water crocks as they do this ... they are such messes! Whiskey is such a hoot!

  6. Is he sucking in his tummy to show his ribs and look starving??? I wouldn't put that past one of those little soft, sweet booger bunnies! They are so ornery sometimes! And, they pull on your heartstrings...
