Saturday 16 November 2013

Saturday Strop Chops

OMG Twizzel, stop looking so moody, it's Saturday!



  1. Mr. Mick says that one must start out the weekend with at least a little disapproval to keep the foo' humans on their toes. Can't have us enjoying ourselves too much--we might think we actually run things around here.

  2. I'm betting breakfast is 30 seconds late.

  3. This is a bunn who has been wronged. Who or what (weather?) was responsible for the unspeakable occurrence?

  4. This is going to be one of those spoil the whole weekend for everybody deals isn't it, Twizzel? Hey, maybe that is just a determined look, a brave, determined look. Yes that is what it is...hypnotized by the abyss she stumbles away...
